Monday, January 11, 2010

Glamour Doll Eyes swatches(shadows and glitters)

For christmas I got a couple more eyeshadows from Glamour Doll Eyes that only arrived a few days ago so i thought I would post swatches for them along with the swatches of the eyelights(glitters) that i own.  

With Flash

Without Flash

The shadows in their containers

Pinky Swear: beautiful darkish pink colour

Shaded Orchid:Dark purple, it has a golden shimmer on my skin

Electric Lemonade: gorgeous vibrant yellow with a nice sheen


Without Flash

In the container
DITZY: pink

RAVE: purple

HOLLYWOOD: silver with multicoloured reflects

GOODY BALM (lip balm)

LEG WARMERS: smells like bubble gum(purple)

LACE GLOVES: smells like coconut ice(yellow)

NEON LIGHTS: smells like peppermint(green)

hope you liked it(if anyone watched this)

1 comment:

  1. omg hiiii hun,
    its great to see another aussie blogging and utubing, fantastic swatches btw!

    Check out my blog
